We Can Help At Any Stage Of Your Case

Eric J. Vogan


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Eric grew up in Evans, NY and attended the University of Buffalo in the Honors Program. He then attended The University of Buffalo Law School and was a member of the Intellectual Property Law Journal.

Eric focuses 100% of his practice on representing injured workers in their workers’ compensation cases.

Eric began practicing workers’ compensation law over a decade ago and has appeared as counsel at thousands of workers' compensation hearings across New York State. Eric’s knowledge of New York’s ever-changing workers’ compensation laws is unmatched. Eric understands that strong communication with each client is key to providing the peace of mind each client wants after hiring an attorney. Eric is always ready to diligently answer questions for his clients. Since every case is different, Eric enjoys meeting in person with new clients to discuss short-term/long-term game plans. Eric finds that meeting his clients in person creates a stronger attorney-client relationship and ensures everyone is on the same page.

When Eric isn’t working, he is cooking a new recipe or trying out a new place to eat. He also loves the outdoors, especially hiking. His other hobbies include car maintenance, travel and playing golf.

Eric is a member of several organizations including the Injured Workers’ Bar Association and the Erie County Bar Association.

If you or a loved one need representation or have general questions regarding a workers’ compensation issue, please call our office today to speak directly with Eric or any one of our experienced attorneys.


  • University at Buffalo Law School, Buffalo, New York
    • JD
  • The State University of New York at Buffalo
    • Bachelor’s Degree

Bar Admission

  • New York

Practice Areas:

  • NY Workers’ Compensation

Professional Associations

  • Injured Workers’ Bar Association
  • New York State Bar Association
  • Erie County Bar Association