We Can Help At Any Stage Of Your Case
See The Right Doctor After A Workplace Injury
Because an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you earn the compensation you deserve for your injuries, it is vital to speak with one after your accident. It is also essential that you see a doctor after your accident, even if you feel fine. Seeing the right doctor can impact the outcome of your claim, so it is important to know who to speak to.
At the Steenberg Law Firm, we can help you find the right doctor for you. Our extensive experience in workers’ compensation has helped us develop a reliable list of doctors who can help you get the treatment you need after your injury. Seeing the right doctor is only one of the few steps we can help you with after your accident.
What To Do After The Injury
After a work injury, your treatment and health are of the utmost importance. Along those lines, it is vital that you see a doctor you trust and respect, but it is also very important to have a doctor that knows the workers’ compensation system. Injured workers are free to choose any doctor or health care provider authorized by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board. These providers have gone through an extensive training and review process meaning they are well qualified to help you with your case.
In many ways, the doctors provide our attorneys with the ammunition they need to maximize your monetary and medical benefits. For example, your doctor requests an additional course of physical therapy for a knee injury. In the medical report though, there is no range of motion measurements and the provider does not explain why the therapy is necessary. Our attorneys would have a difficult time getting the therapy approved without the above-mentioned information. An experienced workers’ compensation doctor would know that a detailed report is vital to getting treatment approved and would proceed accordingly.
See A Doctor Today
We would be more than happy to recommend well-known doctors and surgeons who accept New York workers’ compensation insurance. All you have to do is contact us at 716-558-2000 or email us here to schedule your free initial consultation today. Meet with us to get the help you need in your compensation claim.
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