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Combatting Denied Workers’ Compensation Claims

Getting the workers’ compensation you need after an injury is not a guarantee. If your claim ended in denial, it may come to you as a shock. Thankfully, you do not have to try and pursue your compensation on your own. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can fight back after a denied claim.

At Steenberg Law Firm, we offer our clients the guidance and compassion they need after a workplace injury. We know how to secure the fair settlement workers deserve, and we know how to do it quickly and efficiently.

What To Expect From A Claim

Even in instances where there is no doubt in your mind that you suffered an injury as a result of your work activity, the insurance carrier may deny your claim. This is even more common in a scenario where your injury is the result of repetitive overuse at work and your injury develops gradually over time – as opposed to a single distinct one-time injury.

Sometimes it can be a difficult task to show the insurance carrier and a New York workers’ compensation judge that your injury resulted from work. When you aren’t able to prove convincingly that the injury resulted from work, the insurance carrier will almost certainly reject the workers’ comp claim. When that happens, we are willing to fight for your rights and work to prove your injury was caused by your work activity.

Do Not Give Up Too Soon

As an injured worker, it is paramount that you understand it is not the end of the road when the insurance carrier denies your claim. At the Steenberg Law Firm, we are not intimidated by insurance adjusters and we are happy to go to battle for you. We will guide you through the process of a denied claim confidently and strategically, educating you along the way, while we pursue a favorable outcome on your behalf.

Whether you have aggravated a preexisting injury or suffered a new injury, we will be sure that everything is properly documented and any and all helpful evidence is gathered and made available for the judge, presenting the best case for you to be successful.

Let Us Fight For You

It is important to understand your rights and all the options available to you. Whether it is your employer or the insurance carrier, don’t let their advice to you be the only advice you hear. When your claim is denied, an opinion from the experienced attorneys at the Steenberg Law Firm can help you to understand the whole picture and give you peace of mind when dealing with the stress of a denied claim.

Contact our office to schedule your initial consultation. Call us at 716-558-2000 or email us here to meet with compassionate and committed legal representation that you can depend on. We look forward to meeting with you.

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