We Can Help At Any Stage Of Your Case
Compensation Involving Pre-existing Conditions
Workers’ compensation may seem like a benefit that you automatically earn when you need it, but there is actually no guarantee that you will receive the settlement you need. It can be common for minor issues to quickly complicate things, including previous injuries or illnesses. When you need help to sort through these complicated matters, we at the Steenberg Law Firm can help you. Our dedicated team can guide you through the complicated process of earning fair compensation for your injuries, and we are committed to helping our clients.
Do Not Take “No” For An Answer
You may have found yourself in a position where you have injured yourself at work but have a pre-existing condition to that same body part. In such a scenario you may not think that you can pursue a workers’ compensation claim. Or maybe you have tried to pursue the claim, but the insurance carrier has denied your claim because of your pre-existing condition. You must understand that a pre-existing condition to the same body part does not mean you do not have a viable workers’ compensation claim. Our attorneys can help you pursue that claim so you can get the benefits you deserve – despite having been treated for the same injury or body site in the past.
These claims can be more difficult at times and there are certain legal thresholds that must be satisfied in order to be successful in these scenarios. The attorneys at the Steenberg Law Firm are well-versed in handling claims where there is already a pre-existing condition and will help you through the process. Remember, just because you had hurt a particular body site previously, does not invalidate the fact that you injured it again at work. It is not uncommon to aggravate an old injury and you can absolutely have a second or even third workers’ compensation case filed for the same body sites over time if you suffered subsequent injuries.
Let Our Experience Be Your Advantage
A workplace injury can cost an employee a considerable amount of money in medical bills, lost income and other expenses. When you need workers’ compensation after your injury, let us help navigate your way through the process. Call 716-558-2000 or email us here to schedule your free initial consultation, and let us help you earn the money you need.
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