We Can Help At Any Stage Of Your Case

Scott R. Orndoff

Of Counsel

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Scott Orndoff began working with Steenberg Law Firm in 2015 and currently handles all of Steenberg Law Firm’s personal injury and third-party action cases - especially cases involving injured workers. Scott has over 20 years of experience in civil litigation. He has a long track record of remarkable results on behalf of injured clients.

Scott has obtained well over $20 million in settlements and judgments for his clients since working with Steenberg Law Firm. This includes multiple multi-million dollar settlements for injured workers.

Scott is a 2002 cum laude graduate of the University of Miami School of Law. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1997, where he graduated with Honors.

Scott is a lifelong resident of Buffalo and has been practicing law here since 2003. He currently resides in North Buffalo with his wife and son. Scott is actively involved in the community he serves, including his ongoing commitment to youth and high school athletics.

If you or a loved one suffered a serious injury as a result of someone else’s negligence, call our office today to speak directly with Scott.


  • Miami University School of Law
    • J.D. - 2002
    • Honors: cum laude
  • State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
    • B.A.

Bar Admission

  • New York

Professional Associations

  • Injured Workers’ Bar Association
  • Erie County Bar Association, Workers’ Compensation Law Committee
  • New York State Bar Association