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New York State Disability Retirement Attorney

For public employees who have disabilities or other medical conditions, the New York State Disability Retirement (NYS Disability Retirement) benefits play a crucial role in their retirement planning. The disability retirement attorneys at the Steenburg Law Firm are available to clarify the benefits accessible to eligible employees and to assist them throughout the entire application process.

Experience Matters: Seeking Legal Representation

An experienced attorney is essential to handle your case effectively. We are honored to serve our clients throughout New York State.

Benefit Eligibility and Calculation

Several factors, such as your retirement plan, membership tier, and final average salary, determine the total amount of benefits you will be eligible to receive. Depending on your age and the nature of your disability, we may recommend applying for multiple types of disability benefits. If your application is approved, you will have the option to select one or more benefit options.

All the benefits offered by the Retirement System provide a lifetime monthly payment. Employees have the choice of receiving the maximum monthly payment or selecting a smaller amount. Additionally, they have the option to designate a beneficiary to continue receiving payments upon their death.

In some cases, individuals may be eligible for additional programs, while others may need to apply for workers’ compensation benefits. Regardless of your specific circumstances, our disability retirement attorney will thoroughly evaluate all your options and determine the most appropriate course of action for your unique case. Contact our offices today to learn more about our services or schedule a consultation.

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