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Common Causes Of Workplace Injuries
Injuries and illnesses in the workplace are far more common than you may expect. Whether your ailment happened in an accident or over the course of a long time, you still deserve compensation for your suffering and costs.
We at the Steenberg Law Firm know the laws surrounding your workplace injury, and we know how to help you secure the compensation you deserve. The New York workers’ compensation law provides benefits for two different types of injuries: 1.) Injuries resulting from a specific accident and 2.) Injuries resulting from repetitive overuse or motion over an extended period of time (called “occupational disease”).
Specific Accident Injuries
An injury as a result of a single accident is typically easier for an injured worker to identify. Perhaps you are a nurse who was lifting a patient and felt immediate pain in your shoulder, or a delivery driver who was lifting a package and had an immediate onset of pain in your lower back. Both of these examples are easily identifiable events that caused immediate injuries and are referred to as “accident” cases.
In the event of an accident, it is important that you tell your supervisor about your injury immediately and complete a written accident report in order to comply with time requirements within the New York workers’ compensation law. Accidents, resulting in injury, occur constantly on the job and you should not hesitate to contact the attorneys at the Steenberg Law Firm for guidance.
Occupational Diseases
It can be a bit trickier when there is not a specific accident that is easily identifiable as the cause of an injury. Often, factory workers who do the same repetitive movements on a daily basis (bending and lifting boxes/parts onto a conveyor belt; assembling small pieces requiring fine motor skills; operating a machine requiring a specific/repetitive body motion; etc.) can develop an injury over an extended period of time.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common injury that typically develops from repetitive movements over time. Carpal tunnel injuries occur prominently for workers in jobs that require repetitive use of the hands, fine manipulation of the hands or typing on the computer (i.e. secretary/typist).
Examples Of Typical Injuries
Occupational disease cases can be much more difficult to prove to the insurance carrier, but the experienced attorneys at the Steenberg Law Firm can help prove that your repetitive use injury is in fact related to your work activities.
Below are just a few common causes of workplace injuries:
- Fall(s) from heights
- Work-related motor vehicle accidents
- Lifting/pushing/pulling accidents
- Slip and falls
- Falling object accidents
- Repetitive lifting injuries
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Noise exposure resulting in hearing loss
No matter what may have caused your injury, you should always consult with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney about what the best course of action is for you.
Reach Out To Us Today
If you have any questions as to whether you have a qualified work injury and are entitled to benefits under the New York state workers’ compensation law, you should not hesitate to contact the Steenberg Law Firm for a free consultation. We are happy to discuss your claim with you and assist in any way possible, so call us at 716-558-2000 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation.
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