We Can Help At Any Stage Of Your Case
Protect Yourself After A Workplace Injury
It is the insurance company’s No.1 goal to save as much money as possible. Never think for a second, no matter how nice the insurance adjuster seems, that an insurance company will just voluntarily pay you everything you are entitled to.
If you do not have an attorney, please know that the New York workers’ compensation laws allow insurance companies to pay injured workers less money compared to what they should technically be paying. Unless you have our team at the Steenberg Law Firm fighting for you, the insurance company will pay you less than what they should be paying you and you will have no idea.
When You Need A Lawyer
Here are two scenarios where it is critical to call our office for a free consultation: First, if you are out of work as a direct result of your work injury; second, if you suffered a serious injury to any extremity regardless of whether or not you are out of work (i.e. arms, legs, fingers, toes). If you suffered an extremity injury then you could be entitled to a lump sum award – and it does not matter if you lost time from work or not. This is called a schedule loss of use award.
The good news for those who retain our office to represent you in your workers’ Compensation case is that we only charge an attorney fee if we gain additional money for you or settle your case. This is called a contingency fee. Therefore, if you retain our office and for some reason don’t receive a monetary award, then we will never charge an attorney fee – absolutely nothing owed. However, if our office does win you a monetary award or settlement, then the attorney fee is only 15% of the money moving – not 1/3 like in personal injury cases.
Let Us Fight For Your Best Interests
Bottom line is, if you get hurt at work, regardless of what stage your case is currently in, we recommend calling our office today for a free same-day consultation. Our attorneys will give you an honest assessment as to whether or not you should retain an attorney. Our office would only get involved if we believe we can fight to get you more money than what you would otherwise get.
Call us at 716-558-2000 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation. We can take care of your compensation claim while you focus on your health.
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