We Can Help At Any Stage Of Your Case
Getting Guidance Through Your Compensation Claim
Filing for workers’ compensation is not as easy as employees often wish it was. As difficult it is to complete the paperwork and other steps in a claim, it is necessary to earn any form of compensation. As hard as it may seem to complete, you can get help in your claim.
We at the Steenberg Law Firm offer our clients the representation they need after a workplace injury. We know the challenges of a workers’ compensation application, and we know how to help our clients in a swift and efficient manner. Our experience includes knowing what to expect from a claim, and how to complete the necessary paperwork.
Completing The Necessary Paperwork
After an injury at work in New York state, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The first step on your way to receiving benefits is correctly completing and filing a C-3 Employee Claim form with the Workers’ Compensation Board.
This C-3 form may seem like a basic, straightforward document but providing the correct information can have a drastic impact on your case. Sometimes the C-3 form sets the foundation for your entire case. Often, the attorneys for the insurance company will try to use certain information you wrote on the C-3 claim form against you – even information that seemed harmless at the time you listed it. Whether it be listing certain injured body sites or explaining how your injury occurred in a certain way – everything you write on the C-3 employee claim form will be scrutinized, which could be the difference as to whether your claim is accepted and/or whether you will receive any monetary benefits.
Even after your claim is accepted, the insurance company’s attorneys often try to suspend or limit benefits to you based on the information you wrote (or didn’t include) on the C-3 employee claim form. Remember, the adjusters and attorneys who work for the insurance company go to work every day with the goal of limiting or suspending payouts to injured workers. Literally, it is their job to save as much money for the insurance company as possible.
Let Us Help You Secure Your Compensation
Before filling out the C-3 Employee Claim form, we recommend calling our office for a free same-day consultation with one of our experienced attorneys. Let us help you and provide you peace of mind. Call 716-558-2000 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation. Remember, our office never charges an attorney fee unless we win you money.
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